Saturday, October 29, 2011

This is NO TIME to be modest!

We are pretty happy about this.
Greenport Wines and Spirits has been "on the map" for those who enjoy going into a shop with a staff that knows the business cold yet isn't even 1% snobby about it - just sincere. Deb has done a great job of stocking shelves with a variety that hits every taste and budget - no small deal - and helps you without a sales pitch...just helps.  Again no small deal.

Dan's Papers have scouts out everywhere and found us.  They liked what they found enough to give us the Best of the Best and for that we have our friends, customers and clients to thank.

Now that we have gone and bragged some (forgive us), come out in the potential rain and wind and celebrate with us.  Lenz Winery is here today from 3-6. Front Street (132) has parking spaces at last look.  We have room. It is cozy and warm. 

Makes us wanna dance.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Two big events this weekend - All Hallow's Eve and Lenz Winery

First things first.  You will note that we actually named our store (or part of the name) in honor of Halloween (or All Hallow's Eve).  To get in the spirit (bad pun intended) one must get ready for Gate Night before All Hallow's Eve, which is Sunday before Monday's festivities. That means the dreaded trip to the pumpkin patch up the road to the west (we are lobbying for a pumpkin source here in the Village).  To give you something to talk about at the water cooler before then, you can call a jack-o-lantern by its real name, Ignus fatuus.  It seems the inhabitants of the Isles were keen on carving up gourds and poking light holes in the outer skin as kind of scary things to put out in the moors.  To go futher into nonsense, Ignus Fatuus, is really a reference to swamp gas or a phosphorescent light that hovers or flits over swampy ground at night.  Enough.

To fortify you for the nights that follow, our good friends at Lenz Winery will be at our shop from 3-6pm on the eve of Gate Night of this year's All Hallow's Eve (pssst that means Saturday the 29th) and we get to sample and taste their latest. 

Come light our Ignus Fatuus, delight in a pre-Hallow bit of trivia, avoid the crowds to the pumpkin patch...

Think of it as a candy bag for adults.