OK. Here's the deal.
We are having a monster rumble tag team event of a Wine Tasting on the evening of the 23rd of August. 5-8pm with all our stuff out for you to sample as well as munchies and inordinate good humor and smiles. Serious. Our blood simply boils with anticipation. The passion is on us. We are in a frenzy.
One of our local wags wanted some of our really NICE Riedel Wine Glasses. You know the type of glasses we mean. The ones you never ever ever let Aunt Myrna touch after she has been "sippin' some"? Those.
So his idea was to float a few cartoons in front of you and get you in the mood. You are to "supply the caption". Let's see how creative you are. Here is one to get you into the spirit. The affecion if you will.

We are sooooo psyched up.
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