Thursday, December 1, 2011

Just a nip of winter

We are all decorated out for the holidays - lots of lights and flashy things in our window, the Village tree across the street, the carousel and its lights at dusk...well it is mighty festive.

In case you haven't ventured out, there is a hint of what is in store for us in the next few months.  Some of our thoughts turned to sleigh rides and snow, perhaps a twirl around the ice rink when it opens.

We were talking to a friend this morning who recounts sleigh rides in northern Michigan and the horse, all tinkly with the bells, making a great deal of noise when things started up and then, momentum gained and the riders snuggled in under the blankets, snow falling slightly faster than the sun setting - and it becomes all "winter quiet".  We liked that phrase, "winter quiet".
We liked it very much.

1 comment:

  1. What a pleasant thought and nice idea for a blog entry. Thank you.
