Monday, December 19, 2011

Upright or on its side???

We are of course referring to storing sparkling wines and not the condition of the consumer.  In our never ending quest to keep you informed of things...(we are kidding here!) of our readers asked about champagne and keeping the bottles on their side or sitting them upright. Does it matter? Do you care?  We personally think that storage shouldn't be a problem if consumed with diligence.  Sparkling wine is like a an old friend who should never grow old.

This applies to sparkling wine generally so here goes -

1. If you have a plastic "cork" then it doesn't matter at all.
2. If you have a cork/cork - you know the type - then there is a debate that says if you rest the bottle on its side the contents come in contact with the cork and that may change the wine but not in a good way like other types...the fine line between keeping the cork moist and therefore airtight v. just plain old cork contamination.
3. The CO2 helps keep the seal (pressure) and if stored upright, it shouldn't matter a whole heck of a lot.

BORED YET???? Well, you had to get me started....

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