Our tasting today is made up mostly of wine from Northern Italy - north and a little east...like head north from Milan and take one step right for every two steps forward. After a few hours of plodding, stop in the middle of Borgamo and face east toward Trieste...Alps on the left, foothills and vistas straight ahead. Super duper wine country. Some think the best on earth.
We have heard of Bergamo and like the name. It sounds expensive. One of our friends happened to know a bit about the region and about Bergamasks or Bergamasques - originating from this area so we listened up. Masques are ..well they are masks and long ago put on the end of sticks and held in front of the face. (obviously before rubber bands) With that mask in place there was something of a plodding dance these Bergamos did, a peasant dance, not a courtly dance, and there you have it, Bergamasques or a dance with a mask that kinda shuffled along.

We all remember I Love Lucy and Lucille Ball in a big tank of grapes grinding out the juice with her feet...plodding along...and some theory has it that the Bergamasque dance steps were very much like the moves you would make crushing grapes. Nice story. We will leave truth to the politicians.
So shuffle on down from 3-6 today to Greenport Wines and Spirits (across from the Post Office on Front Street)..straight across the street and 1 step to the right for every two forward.
We are the ones with the stained feet.
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